onsdag den 28. januar 2009


Har fået denne Award af Heidi http://fru-nielsen.blogspot.com/ Tak for det :)

Med til Awarden følger teksten:

- The Lemonade Award is given by a previos winner to 5 bloggers who have shown great attitudes and/or gratitude this week. It's a great way to show these people that you appriciate them. All you have to do is:1.Put the logo on your blog or post.2. Nominate at least 5 blogs and be sure to link your nominees within your post.3.Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.4.Share the Love and link to this post and the person from whom you received your award.

Ingen kommentarer:

Tak fordi du kikkede forbi :)

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